Basic employee information such as name, address, gender, and date of birth provided during the Hire process are maintained and viewed on this window.
Any updates on this window will automatically update wherever else the database field appears in Preceda.
- A list of available Titles will be predefined in your database, and an authorized user will be able to edit the available list if required.
- The Date of Birth field may be set as a mandatory field by setting up Field Number 16 on the Field Numbers window.
- During the Hire process, Program Control Option DOBVL can be set to validate the Date of Birth against a set of Hire Rules. If the date of birth is changed, the Hire Rules will not be validated.
- Ensure Post Code ranges are setup and specified.
- Program Control PDESS Position 14 allows you to manage if employees are allowed to edit the fields Country of Birth, Nationality, Language Code, Work Phone Number, Extension, Fax Number, Other Number 1 to 3, Business Email Address and Personal Email Address from the ESS version of this screen, or set them as read-only.
The Work Phone and Extension's display and availability depend on the settings from Program Control WPHON.
Rules and Guidelines
- If any of the employee's name changes, make sure that the Report Name also changes.
- It is recommended that the Date of Birth becomes a mandatory field as it could effect various processes such as Super Guarantee process, and is useful for ABS reporting and various Workforce Reporting such as Demographics.
- The Date of Birth must be entered in a specified format as required for ATO reporting.
- ATO requirements
- Mapper: If you need to update any information on the Personal screen via Mapper, you may need to use both Mappers M000211 and M000101, depending on the fields you are updating.
- STP Reporting: The Surname field is mandatory in STP Reporting while the First Name is optional. However, in Preceda, both fields are mandatory. Users are required to enter the one legal name into the Surname field and enter a full stop (period) into the First Name field. Under STP Reporting, the Surname will be sent and the First Name will be automatically changed from full stop to blank and not be reported ensuring that:
Employees with the same First Name and Surname will still be reported via STP as they currently do.
Employees with full stop (period) in the First Name field will be replaced with blank in STP Reporting.
Employees with full stop (period) in the Surname will be reported with the full stop and will be rejected.
- Information entered on this window could be accessible to the employee when logging in to Employee Self Service.
Field Information
Personal Information

Choose the title of the employee.
This is a mandatory field, and additional titles or changes can be made to the drop-down list by an authorized user.

The employee's Surname, First, Middle and Other Names are displayed and maintained.
The first and middle names are shown on the Payment Summary and information sent to the ATO.

A different name for the employee such as an alias or a short version of the employee's name is recorded (e.g. Will for William).
- This name will be shown on the Preceda SelfService Welcome page once the employee has signed on to ESS.
- The Preferred Name will default to First Name if the field is left blank but can be overridden with English characters.

This field is populated with the first characters of the First Name, Middle Name and Other Name, respectively.

The name entered in this field will be displayed in reports instead of the Name and Surname.
- If this is left blank, the employee's Surname and Initials will be used instead. Preceda automatically determines the initials using the first character of the first and middle names when the employee is hired.
- If any of the employee's name changes, make sure that the Report Name is also changed.

Choose the employee's gender.
Code | Description |
M | Male |
F | Female |
X | Non-binary |
T | Different Term |
Z | Prefer not to answer |

This allows the employee to specify a gender identity but is not required.
This field is hidden by default and will only be visible and editable when the chosen Gender is
Note that only alphabets, white spaces, asterisks, hyphens, back & forward slashes ("\", "/") are accepted for this field.

This is an optional field. Gender pronouns are the terms people choose to refer to themselves that reflect their gender identify (i.e., he/him, she/her, they/them).
If provided with a value, it will reflect on the Business Card in Notifications and via Entry Via Single Screen (EvSS).
Note that only alphabets, white spaces, asterisks, hyphens, back & forward slashes ("\", "/") are accepted for this field.

The employee's marital status can be recorded but is not required.

The employee's date of birth is an optional field.
The Date of Birth calculates the Age of the employee, and is also displayed on the Significant Dates window.
This field must be entered with a date format acceptable to the ATO.
- The date is given in the DD/MM/CYY format. If only the year is entered, the century details are added based on a date range of 1925 to 2024.
If 22 is entered, this defaults to 2022.
If 26 is entered, this defaults to 1926.
If the century is entered as part of the date, it will be accepted. -
An employee's Date of Birth must be greater than or equal to 02/01/1901.

Enter the employee's place of birth.

Choose from the drop-down the country where the employee was born.

Choose from the drop-down the nationality of the employee.

Tick this box if the employee is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Choose from the drop-down the employee's language.
Contact Information

The employee's address details are recorded in this field.
When specifying a postcode, this field is linked to the state entered and validated to ensure that it is within the Specified Range for the state selected.
Overseas Addresses
For employees who have an overseas address, the ATO have strict requirements when reporting on the PSARXXXX file at year end.
For overseas addresses, the streetaddress must be provided in the first and second address lines. The Town, State or Region and Area Code must be reported in the Suburb, Town or Locality field. The Postcode field must be 9999 and the State field must have a value of OTH.
- If the Postcode field is set to 9999 and the State field is set to OTH, the Country Code field must also be set.

Enter the employee's city or suburb.

Choose from the drop-down the state or region of the residential address.

Enter the Postal code of the employee's address. This is a mandatory field.

Select the Country Code of the employee's country.
- If the Postcode field is set to 9999 and the State field is set to OTH, the Country Code field must also be set.

The employee's home and mobile phone details are recorded in this field.

Input the employee's facsimile number. The user can input a maximum of 15 characters for this field.

You may input the employee's other numbers in these fields.

Input the employee's valid work email address.

Input the employee's personal email address.